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I want to let out my house that hasn’t sold, do I have to change it to buy to let?

Not necessarily – most lenders will give you something called permission to let or consent to lease and with each lender this can mean differnet things, for instance with Halifax they currently have a range of products that you go onto … Continue reading

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My brother and I are looking to buy a bungalow on buy to let for our mother to live in. I know there are issues with a relative occupying on BTL mortgages – can you tell me who may give approval?

You are right about it being more difficult. This is because you are letting it to a member of close family meaning it becomes a mortgage under the FSA regulation and a number of buy to let lenders will not … Continue reading

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What does BTL stand for?

BTL is Buy to Let – in the mortgage industry this means a property that is let out to a 3rd party. This is a sector where property investors can build a portfolio of holdings, they have their own mortgage types … Continue reading

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